Archive for the tag: Clinic

Mayo Clinic Minute: Fighting arthritis with food

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Millions of Americans suffer from debilitating symptoms of arthritis. There are two main categories of arthritis – degenerative arthritis, the main form being osteoarthritis and inflammatory, the main form being rheumatoid arthritis.

More health and medical news on the Mayo Clinic News Network.

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Mayo Clinic Explains Bladder Cancer

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Learning about bladder cancer can be intimidating. Mark Tyson, M.D., a urologist at Mayo Clinic, walks you through the facts, the questions, and the answers to help you better understand this condition. For more reading visit: When it comes to your health, Mayo Clinic believes credible and clear information is paramount. There’s a lot to learn about bladder cancer. We’re here to help.

0:00 Introduction
0:37 What is bladder cancer?
0:53 Who gets bladder cancer? / Risk factors
1:32 Symptoms of bladder cancer
1:59 How is bladder cancer diagnosed?
2:39 Treatment options
3:25 Coping methods/ What now?
4:04 Ending

Still have questions about bladder cancer? That’s okay.

More videos on bladder cancer Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Bladder cancer patients require ongoing surveillance

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